Funny French idioms.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Péter les plombs to blow one’s top Bust the fuses (Here the word “plombs” refers to the fuses that melt in order to avoid short-circuit)
Sortir de ses gonds to fly off the handle (The image of a door that come off its hinges)
Se fâcher tout rouge to go up the wall to be upset all red
J’ai la moutarde qui me monte au nez I’m beginning to lose my temper Mustard is winding up in my nose.
Prendre la mouche to fly off the handle Take a fly (This expression is close to “quelle mouche vous a piqué ?/What’s with you?”) The idea is that a person’s sudden outburst is the result of having being stung by an insect.
Avoir les nerfs en pelote To be on the edge, to be nervy Got my nerves in a ball (like ball of wool)


French expression English expression Literal translation
Casser du sucre sur le dos de quelqu’un To bad-mouth someone Break sugar on the back of someone
Tailler un costard à quelqu’un To slag someone off Cut a suit for someone (The idea here is that once you have a bad reputation it’s difficult to lose it. In the same way that a suit cannot be altered once it has been cut to a certain shape)


French expression English expression Literal translation
Casser les pieds de quelqu’un to do someone’s head in Break the feet of someone.

Getting along (or not)

French expression English expression Literal translation
S’entendre comme larrons en foire to be as thick as thieves agreeing as thieves in a fair.
Être comme cul et chemise to be inseparable Be like ass and shirt (more for a friendship than a love).
Être comme les doigts de la main to be very close Be like fingers of the hand.
Il me sort par les trous de nez I can’t stand the sight of him He is getting out of my nostrils.
Entre eux le torchon brule They’re at loggerheads The rag is burning between them.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Avoir le coup de foudre To fall in love at first sight to be stuck by lightning.
Être un bourreau des coeurs to be a ladykiller Being a executioner of hearts.
Avoir un coeur d’artichaut to be a fickle (in love) To have a artichoke heart (A leaf for everyone).
Avoir quelqu’un dans la peau to be crazy about someone having someone in the skin.
Être mordu to be madly in love to be beaten.
En pincer pour quelqu’un to be crazy about someone To pinch for someone.

Truth and lies

French expression English expression Literal translation
Mentir comme un arracheur de dents to be a compulsive liar Lie as a teeth puller (no anaesthetic but don’t worry you will not feel pain).
Raconter des salades to tell fibs Tell salads.
Faire avaler des couleuvres to take someone in Make somebody swallow grass-snake.
Une histoire à dormir debout A cock and bull story A story that make you sleep while standing up.
Se mettre sur son 31 to get all dressed up To get on his/her 31 (31 as December 31th).
Être tiré à 4 épingles to be dressed up to the nines To be stretch by 4 pins (4 pins to stretch a piece of fabric and eliminate creases).
Être joli comme un coeur to be pretty as a picture Be pretty as an heart.

Fear and worry

French expression English expression Literal translation
Serrer les fesses To have the wind up Tighten the buttocks.
Avoir une peur bleue To be scared to death Having blue fear.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Ne pas y aller par 4 chemins To go straight to the point Don’t go by 4 different tracks.
Ne pas y aller avec le dos de la cuillère Not to go for half-measures Not to dish things out using the back of a spoon.

Speaking and keeping silent

French expression English expression Literal translation
Tenir la jambe à quelqu’un To bore someone with one’s talk Hold the leg of someone (picture someone who wants to go away).
Souler quelqu’un to bore someone silly Make someone drunk.
Ne pas avoir sa langue dans sa poche Never to be at a loss for words Don’t have his tongue in his pocket.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Couper le sifflet à quelqu’un To shut someone up Cut the whistle of somebody.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Être au anges To be walking on air Be with the angels.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Avoir le cafard To feel down To have the cockroach.
Être malheureux comme les pierres To be utterly miserable Be as sad as a rock.
Rire comme un bossu/une baleine to laugh one’s head off It is believed that “rire comme une baleine” (to laugh like a whale) might have derived from “se tordre comme une baleine de parapluie retourné”. Playing on the words “se tordre”, which means both “to bend” and ‘to laugh’ (in colloquial language) and “baleine” which of course means “whale” but which also means the rib of an umbrella.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Il ne tourne pas rond he’s not all there he is not turning around.
Être timbré to be cracked To be stamped.
Être tombé sur la tête To have a screw loose Have fallen on head.
Être marteau To be nuts Be a hammer.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Il n’a pas inventé l’eau chaude He’ll never set the Thames on fire He didn’t invented warm water.
Être bête à manger du foin To be as thick as two shorts planks Be stupid enough to eat hay.
Être bête comme ses pieds To be unbelievably stupid Be as stupid as his own feet.
Avoir une case de vide To have a screw loose Have an empty shake.
Il est un peu bas de plafond He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer His ceiling is quite low.

Hunger and eating

French expression English expression Literal translation
Avoir les crocs To be famished Got the fangs.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Boire comme un trou To drink like a fish Drink like a hole.
Avoir la gueule de bois To be hangover Having a wooden face.
Avoir du vent dans les voiles To be three sheets in the wind Having wind in the sails. This expression likens the teetering drunkard to a ship that is buffeted by the wind.
Lever le coude To booze Lift the elbow.
S’en jeter un derrière la cravate To knock back a drink To throw one behind the tie.

Doing things easily

French expression English expression Literal translation
Ce n’est pas la mer à boire It’s no big deal It’s not the sea to drink.
Faire quelque chose les doigts dans le nez To do something very easily Do something with fingers in the nose.
Ce n’est pas le bout du monde It’s no big deal It’s not the end of the world.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Prendre ses jambes à son cou to take one’s heels take his legs to his neck.
Mettre les voiles To skedaddle To set up the sails.
Se faire la malle To clear off To make the trunk (big suitcase).

Work and effort

French expression English expression Literal translation
Être un bourreau de travail being a workaholic to be an work executioner.
Faire des pieds et des mains pour faire quelque chose to move heaven and earth to do something Move feet and hands to do something.
Avoir un poil dans la main to be workshy Having an hair in the hand.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Marcher comme sur des roulettes to be going very smoothly work on roulette (little wheels).


French expression English expression Literal translation
Ses rivaux ne lui arrivent pas à la cheville non of his rivals can touch him his rivals doesn’t even height match his anckles.
ça ne vaut pas un clou it’s not worth a bean it doesn’t worth a nail.

Authority and obediance

French expression English expression Literal translation
Mener quelqu’un à la baguette to rule someone with a rod of iron lead someone with a stick.

Enjoying oneself

French expression English expression Literal translation
S’en payer une tranche to have a whale of a time to pay one’s slice.
s’éclater comme une bête to have a wild time to bust like a beast.


French expression English expression Literal translation
Couter la peau des fesses To cost an arm and a leg To cost skin of butt.
Jeter l’argent par les fenêtres To throw money down the drain To throw money through the windows.
Être plein aux as To be rolling it To be full to aces.
Être payé au lance-pierre To be paid peanuts To be paid by slingshot.